Online Attendance and Non-Attendance


Online Attendance and Non-Attendance

Policy Information

Issuing Office

Registrar's Office

Affected Parties


Policy Language

A student has attended an online course if he/she has submitted an assignment that can receive a grade (such as an examination, written paper or project, or other academic event) or has contacted his/her professor regarding a question related to the academic subject studied in the course within official course dates. Regular attendance in online courses is expected throughout the length of the term.

Policy Rationale

To ensure that students understand the expectation set forth by the University for attending and participating in online classes.

Definition of Glossary Terms

None specified

Procedural Information


Students who do not attend within the first week of a sub-term by submitting an assignment that can receive a grade (such as the Course Requirements Checklist, an examination, written paper or project, or other academic event activity) will be dropped from the course. Students who wish to re-engage in the course are encouraged to contact Academic Advising to discuss their enrollment options. 

The student alone assumes responsibility for course work missed from non-attendance. A student who presents the instructor with an adequate and documented reason for absence may be given an opportunity to make up the work missed.


None specified



Initial Approval Date


Date of Last Review


Date for Review
