Policy Information
Registrar's Office
The U.S. Department of Education requires that every university monitor the attendance of their students. Liberty University uses the following definitions in determining student attendance:
Resident: Physically attending a class where there is an opportunity for direct interaction between the instructor and students, submission of any assignment that can receive a grade (in Learning Management System or disparate system); taking an exam, an interactive tutorial or computer-assisted instruction; attending a study group that is assigned by the school; or initiating contact with the professor regarding a question(s) related to the academic subject studied in the course. In order to constitute attendance, any of the above attendance methods must occur within the official course dates.
Online: Any submission of an assignment that can receive a grade (in Learning Management System or disparate system); submission of an interactive tutorial or computer assisted instruction; or initiating contact with the professor regarding a question(s) related to the academic subject studied in the course. In order to constitute attendance, any of the above attendance methods must occur within the official course dates.
*These definitions are based upon the delivery format of the course and not the student’s enrollment status (online versus on-campus).
To ensure compliance with the Department of Education in regard to attendance tracking and reporting, and to ensure that the policies regarding attendance and grades of “FN” are clearly outlined.
None specified
Procedural Information
Students who begin a course, but at some point in the semester cease attending, and do not provide official notification to withdraw, will be assigned a grade of “FN” (Failure for Non-Attendance), dated to the student’s last date of attendance (based on the definition provided above). A grade of “FN” will be assigned when a student stops attending and/or participating in a class for a period of 21 consecutive days or longer. "FN" indicates that the student ceased attendance and failed to complete the course objectives. The student alone assumes responsibility for course work missed from non-attendance. If a student receives all FN’s in a term, he/she is subject to the Unofficial Withdrawal procedure that could include the reduction and/or return of all Financial Aid. Students are fully responsible for all resulting charges on their student account. To review the entire Financial Aid Withdrawal policy, go to http://www.liberty.edu/fapolicies.
None specified